

I Have Finally Arrived!!

Who would’ve thought that this day would come? Not me, for sure. It seems like it would never happen. It’s been more than a year later than intended, but I made it to Peru!!  The pandemic really put on hold my timeline. I had anticipated being on the field in Cusco in January/February of 2020, but was hit with a budget increase in December 2019. That meant an extension of my time in the U. S. to get the additional funds in. Then wanting to be leaving by April.

And then – – BOOM

March came with the shutdown. A lot of things came with it. The emotional toil that it took most of all. Everything stopped and that is not something that happens during itineration.  At a time when I am usually all over the place, I was still and at home. Not gonna lie, at heart, the introvert in me loves being at home. But that is not always a healthy thing for me. I did get to spend a lot of time with my parents, more time than I had in years. So I am very thankful for the stronger relationship I have with my mom and dad.

June 29

The day that I left and headed to Peru. It was not the day I arrived. I had an overnight stay in Lima because there are no flights that fly into Cusco at night. It was a stressful day of traveling. I flew out of Monroe, LA at 7:45 am and landed in Lima at 6:00 pm. I got a migraine en route so I was not feeling great by the time I was going through immigration. By the time I got through Immigration and to the airport hotel in was around 9:00 pm. What a day!! It was quite a comical sight to see me trying to figure out a way to get all my suitcases all by myself.

I still had that migraine when I woke up to fly to Cusco. Luckily the hotel has a concierge that helped me all the way to the airport ticket counter with all my bags. They really saved me. The flight to Cusco was very short. I was met by some of the team. Several days, I spent resting and adjusting to the altitude. But I made it!!