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                My name is Jessica Wolf.
I have been working as a missionary associate in El Salvador since 2013, as part of King’s Castle ministries in leadership at Last Harvest School of Ministries. This school trains, equips and sends our students as missionaries all over the world. It is a privilege to work and see God change and grow the students in all areas of their lives, making them more disciplined and ready to go on the mission field.
This past year, I felt that God was closing the door in El Salvador for me and that the Lord was giving specific directions in what I was going to be doing next. It was not as easy decision to be made. Leaving El Salvador was not something I had planned. El Salvador had always been the dream and I was able to live that dream. I had to give that dream over to God, knowing that He had something better in mind for me. Disobedience wasn’t an option.
So, beginning in January 2019, I will begin my time raising funds for a four year term in Peru. I have the honor of being part of 1UP, the Unreached People Group (UPG), initiative for the Assemblies of God in Latin America. The Indigenous groups in our region of the world are the primary UPG’s, which we are focused on reaching. These groups are usually located in remote areas that are sparsely populated. We are based in the Cusco region of Peru to work among the Quechua of that area. It will be a big change from the work I have previously been doing, but I am excited to let God stretch me in this new ministry.