
Level 40

It’s a big birthday year!!

Well, I made it to a milestone I never thought would get here. Today, I turn 40. Yikes!!

Does it seem crazy?! Oh yeah!! But really, I can’t complain and don’t want to because this last decade that brought me to this age has been amazing!!

This past decade has been fully immersed in missions, and that is something that as a little girl and as a teenager that I never thought that could happen.  But here we are.

Ten years ago on this decade, I was living in Costa Rica going to language school to learn Spanish. I distinctly remember that birthday. It was going to be the first birthday that I wasn’t going to be celebrating with my twin sister and it was the milestone 30th birthday. I was a little down, but my amazing classmates gave me a surprise party and celebrated with me. It was great!!

I’ve gotten to do some much. I got to live in multiple countries, going on trips to many more, meeting some of the most amazing people, missionaries and nationals alike, and also just being able to be right where I know God wants me to be.

So today, I will be smiling because while I may be growing older, this year marks the beginning of a new decade that can only get better!!

Celebrate with me!!

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