
Thank You, El Salvador!!

5 years, 3 months, 20 days

1937 days

46,488 hours

2,789,280 minutes

167,356,800 seconds

Today, I leave El Salvador. I normally leave this time every year. But this year is different. This time I will not be returning. I wish I could explain in words how I’m feeling right now. How I wish I could avoid this day and just freeze time where it is now because I’m not ready. I wish that I could keep my heart from breaking into a million pieces every time I say goodbye to someone I’ve gotten close to the in last five years.

There is something about this place that is so special and for me to be closing this chapter of my life is beyond hard. Pulling up the roots that I’ve made here hurts. I’m walking in obedience, I know, but it does not make it easier to release this dream to God in order to follow in his will. I didn’t imagine going anywhere else. I thought I would have more years here. I never thought I would be called anywhere else.

This country, these people, and these experiences have shaped me in a way that I will never forget. The mark they have made on my life will never go away. Their faces and their names will written on my heart for the rest of my life. They have become family: the students, fellow missionaries, fellow leaders, the guards, the kitchen ladies, maintenance people, church people, and countless other friends.

Amazing opportunities have come up as well. I have been to 8 other countries because of what I’ve been doing here. I never dreamed things like that would be put in front of me. What I had in mind for me and what God had in mind for me were so vastly different.

This is hard, not only leaving King’s Castle Ministries, but leaving UCCR. Master’s Commission has been such a part of my life for so long. I’ve loved seeing the fruit of it in our students. Knowing that something that made such a big difference in my life is also doing the same in others’ lives as well. Those students, you just wait, they’re going to change the world and I’m excited to be able to watch it.

Thank you, El Salvador. I never in my dreams thought this would be something that I would do. I’m beyond blessed that I was able to be here. If only the rest of the world knew how special you are. You are so much more than the news says about you. You have changed my life in more ways than I will ever be able to express. I have laughed, I have cried, I have celebrated, and I’ve also mourned here. I have LIVED LIFE here. It’s been such a great ride. Sometime we have to let go of some things to get where God is leading us. I’m not wanting it to end and my heart grieves deeply what I am leaving. So….THANK YOU, EL SALVADOR!! You have been the best time of my life.

Thanks for making me a missionary.

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